Cut&Stitch and Punto a capo!!!
Good news for the Cut&Stitch project!!!
Cut&Stitch has joined another project: Punto a capo, by Pat Carra.
Pat Carra, a very well known artist from Milan, has been creating strips about women and other society-related issues for more than twenty years. Some time ago she came up with the idea of printing her cartoons on fabric.
Thanks to the long-standing friendship between Pat Carra and Patrizia Costa, who talked to Pat about the activities of LSS and the new project Cut&Stitch, it was decided to put together Pat’s artistic and intellectual work with the technical and practical work of other women, sewers and embroiders.
An old dream came true, with all the actors acting the same play in a coordinate manner.
In Milan, Pat Carra creates and prepares the drawings. In Milan and in Mumbai, Patrizia Costa chooses the fabrics and the materials. Other friends give ideas and suggestions. In Mumbai, Ethel d’Souza and the women of Cut&Stitch embroid and stitch the shopping bags.
From Italy to India, different women work and produce earnings, earn more individual freedom and get good spirit for all!!!
For information about the Cut&Stitch project, please contact:
Ethel d’Souza,, tel. + 91 22 2407-0718; mobile + 91 98 9258 8712
Patrizia Costa,, mobile + 91 98 2086-1849 (India) or +39 338 220-5989 (Italy)